Parroquia don bosco telephone
The first grade was in charge of Delia Paglialunga de Ortega. When there were more than 60 students, the grade was divided in two and Iris Velazco was called for one of them. The first teachers told us that “to get an idea of what the school was like at that time, you have to imagine that the current central gallery did not exist, the classrooms faced the courtyard full of rubble, and there was no heating in them”.
In 1975, the elementary school became coeducational. The first school authorities were: Principal: Father Juan Gregui. Vice-principal: Father Rafael Piccardi. First teachers: Delia Paglialunga de Ortega, Iris Velazco, Amalia Sánchez de Mones Ruiz, Ana C. Jurado, Olga Rodríguez Segat, Lidia R. de Hunicken, Rubén Gennari, Juan San Sebastián, Luis A. Hunicken, José M. Ortega, Hugo Richard.
What specialties does Colegio Don Bosco have?
Machining and metallic constructions. Mechatronics. Electricity. Consumer electronics.
Who founded the Don Bosco School?
The birth of the Don Bosco School in San Juan is related to the arrival of Salesian priests in the province. Monsignor José Américo Orzali, who had been the bishop of San Juan since 1912, was the one who, after 18 years of negotiations, succeeded in establishing the Salesian foundation in San Juan.
Early Don Bosco
The donated land: Since he took over the direction of the school in 1933, Father Garbini struggled with the difficulties caused by the distance of the school, located in Desamparados, from the urban area. After a short time, the problem was solved when the Damas Patricias “Pro Patria” donated and deeded a strip of land in Trinidad, where now stands part of the current Don Bosco School. Father Garbini, without wasting time, moved to the place, seconded by his collaborator, Father Emilio Lenzi. The belongings and furniture they owned were moved in wagons belonging to the warehouse “El Globo”. This picture shows the land of Trinidad in its beginnings.
In 1951, Father Garbini returned to direct the Don Bosco School of San Juan and lived here until his death. From this period under his direction corresponds the inauguration of the front of the corner that since then constitutes the main entrance of the school.
Enrollment at Colegio Salesiano Don Bosco
The Primary Education offered in our Institute has the purpose of helping students to stimulate and develop their personality, skills and abilities that favor their intellectual, physical and emotional growth.
We promote the integral development of each young person, considering their physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual growth, which in turn allows them to consolidate study habits in preparation for their incorporation into secondary education.
At the Instituto Técnico Don Bosco the high school student (10th, 11th and 12th) is prepared to face a new challenge where he/she recognizes that the world of technology implies discovering, creating and innovating. With Industrial and Science Baccalaureates
Mecánica don bosco
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